Forty-four percent of employees experienced a lot of daily stress in the previous day. While almost half of the world's workers felt the burden of stress, working women in the U.S. and Canada region were among the most stressed employees globally.
Only 45% of workers globally said now is a good time to find a job in their country (up slightly from last year, but less than the record 55% in 2019). The U.S. and Canada were the regional outlier for this item, leading the world at 71%, up 44 percentage points from the previous year.
Global Connections Canadian And World Issues Pdf Download
The U.S. and Canada region is also No. 2 for wellbeing, and for the largest increase in wellbeing in 2021. Half of them say they are "living comfortably" on their household income (compared with 22% globally), and the job market in 2021 was exceptionally good compared with the rest of the world.
This article explores practical avenues for making global connections within the social studies classroom. Drawing from my classroom experiences and utilizing the basic principles of global education outlined by Toni Fuss Kirkwood-Tucker (2009) as a conceptual frame, I attempt to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Such an endeavor aims to provide social studies teachers with five practical strategies for making global connections that can be readily employed in their middle and secondary social studies classrooms. These strategies discussed here include structured academic controversy, globalizing physical place, reading visual fine arts, incorporating the natural world, and sampling. 2ff7e9595c